A Review of the Development of 6th Generation Network Security Adapting Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Ledger Technology
- Angel Nica Elegado
- School of Advanced Studies, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines
This paper reviews the network security in 6G applied in various emerging technologies. The content of the paper discusses the 6G, which is expected to be merged with multiple sorts of slicing enabled by new technologies and paradigms to make the system more intelligent and safeguard the network infrastructure. This literature review was performed through a systematic review using a metaanalysis review to draw a conclusion. This paper identifies the issues and challenges of the 6G network and discusses the current research areas in network security, such as AI and DLT, which were found as solutions which can be employed for security at many cybersecurity protection and defense stages. The value of these technologies is based on the benefits of autonomy, increased accuracy, and predictive capabilities for security analytics. Additionally, this study compares which approach is the most viable solution to address network security issues. The researcher wants to investigate further 6G cloud computing for future work, addressed by centralized data centers accessed via the leading network.
- 6g Communications, Network Security, Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Ledger Technology
APA 7th Edition:
Elegado, A. N. (2023). Innovatus: A Journal on Computing Technology Innovations, 6(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7500217
Elegado, A.N. (2023) Innovatus: A Journal on Computing Technology Innovations, 6(1), pp. 1–6. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7500217.
[1] A. N. Elegado, Innovatus: A Journal on Computing Technology Innovations, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1–6, May 2023.
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