Exploration of Various Deep Learning Models for Increased Accuracy in Automatic Polyp Detection

  • Ariel E. Isidro
  • Arnel C. Fajardo
  • Alexander A. Hernandez
  • Technological Institute of the Philippines
Published in

  • This paper is created to explore deep learning models and algorithms that results in highest accuracy in detecting polyp on colonoscopy images. Previous studies implemented deep learning using convolution neural network (CNN) algorithm in detecting polyp and non- polyp. Other studies used dropout, and data augmentation algorithm but mostly not checking the overfitting, thus, include more than four-layer models. Rulei Yu et.al from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences said that transfer learning is better talking about performance or improving the previous used algorithm. Most especially in applying the transfer learning in feature extraction. Series of experiments were conducted with only a minimum of 4 CNN layers applying previous used models and identified the model that produce the highest percentage accuracy of 98% among the other models that apply transfer learning. Further studies could use different optimizer to a different CNN models to increase accuracy.

  • Colon cancer, Overfitting, Dropout, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning

Cite As
  • APA 7th Edition:
    Isidro, A., Fajardo, A., & Hernandez, A. (2020). Exploration of Various Deep Learning Models for Increased Accuracy in Automatic Polyp Detection. Innovatus, 3(1), 37-49.
  • Harvard:
    Isidro, A., Fajardo, A. and Hernandez, A., 2020. Exploration of Various Deep Learning Models for Increased Accuracy in Automatic Polyp Detection. Innovatus, 3(1), pp.37-49.
  • IEEE:
    [1] A. Isidro, A. Fajardo and A. Hernandez, "Exploration of Various Deep Learning Models for Increased Accuracy in Automatic Polyp Detection", Innovatus, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 37-49, 2020.

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